Companion plantings with UK natives: kusamono and shitasuka

I'm making up for a long absence on here with flowers... or ferns as the case may be! The title is a bit of a lie, as some of these plants are naturalised introductions to the UK.

Asplenium cetarach (rustyback fern)

A three year evolution of a Campanula planting:

Asplenium cetarach and Taraxacum sp. (rustyback fern and dandelion)

Asplenium trichomanes and Cymbalaria muralis (maidenhair fern and ivy-leaved toadflax) 

Sedum anglicum (English stonecrop)

and a few of this years plantings:

Geranium robertianum (herb robert)

Lotus corniculatus and Crocosmia sp (birds'-foot trefoil and montbretia or coppertips) 


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